Newsletters 2009-12
Issue 75, Autumn 2012
The jet stream and its effects on our weather; Rural Scotland in Focus report 2012; brypohytes, lichen and fungi in Scotland; how forests help fight climate change; Orkney grows barley for whisky
Issue 74, Summer 2012
Edinburgh Consortium goes Scottish! Also: green energy from rubbish; trees for a warmer climate; methane emissions from burping sheep; plant-based feed for farmed salmon; why mountain plants are on the move
Issue 73, Spring 2012
Engaging the public in rural science; giant pandas and forest restoration; new chairman for Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; how the public views low-carbon energy technologies; simple pollution controls that could save lives
Issue 72, Autumn 2011
Communicating across the Consortium (website and newsletter redesign); lost begonias found in Sumatra; wrasse as cleaner fish to control sea lice in salmon; beached whales and lethal bugs; tribute to a great veterinarian, Dr Hugh Reid
Issue 71, Spring/Summer 2011
Bringing broadband to remote communities; improved forecasting to cope with floods; biochar, a sustainable response to climate change; vaccination to control foot and mouth; how SAC is learning from Malawi’s farmers; International Year of Forests
Issue 70, Winter 2010
James Hutton, influential Scottish polymath; survival boost for fungi; bleeding calf syndrome; why food production must double in 50 years; large earthquakes in the UK
Issue 69, Autumn 2010
Diversifying the rural economy; new animal welfare education centre for the Vet School; climate change at sea; 90 years of Moredun; environmental data sets go on-line at CEH
Issue 68, Spring 2010
New team at UHI working on rural policy; new vessel for UMBS Milport; speed-dating for scientists at Roslin; 40th anniversary of Forest Research Northern Research Station
Issue 67, Winter 2009
Professor John Oldham sets out challenge for agricultural research; Heriot-Watt links up with researchers in Mexico; review of UK earth sciences from BGS
Issue 66, Autumn 2009
SCRI and Macaulay Institute discuss merger; novel animal disease vaccines from Moredun; RBGE helps Iraq and Afghanistan restore their botanical heritage
Issue 65, Spring 2009
New Scottish Plant House at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; new Beef Research Facility at SAC; Professor Martin Price of the Centre for Mountain Studies is appointed to UNESCO chair