SNH ‘sharing good practice’ event
Thursday May 8, 2014
This event will share best practice on how to plan and run citizen science surveys, looking at recent projects and innovations aimed at increasing the value of voluntarily-collected data for research and environmental monitoring.
It will provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss new approaches to:
- Survey design
- Opportunities provided by digital technology
- Skills and capacity building
- Modelling and analysing data
- Future priorities
The ‘Guide to Choosing and Using Citizen Science’ will be launched. This provides a strategic framework for designing citizen science projects.
The event will provide an opportunity to share your views, expertise and questions, and to learn from others’ perspectives. Please book no later than April 16, 2014.
Organised by Scottish Natural Heritage in partnership with Scottish Environment Protection Agency, the Field Studies Council, Biological Recording In Scotland,The Conservation Volunteers, Scottish Consortium for Rural Research and the British Trust for Ornithology.
Venue: Battleby Conference Centre, Battleby, PERTH, PH1 3EW
Further information
The original presentations are no longer available on the SNH (now NatureScot) website.
‘Choosing and Using Citizen Science’, a guide to best practice published by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and SEPA, is available from the CEH website:
NatureScot has a variety of useful resources on its website:
Event report
There is an article about this event on page 11 of our newsletter, SCRR News issue 80, Summer 2014 (PDF, 2 MB)