
Executive officers

The day-to-day work of SCRR is carried out by two officers, the Scientific Director and Secretary/Treasurer, appointed by the board. These appointments are reviewed each year and renewed as appropriate.


Prof Sarah Skerratt

Scientific Director

Sarah was director of policy engagement at SRUC and is now director of programmes at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Lyndsey Hayes Headshot

Lyndsey Hayes


Lyndsey is Administrator for the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security at the University of Edinburgh.

Main board

SCRR is managed by a board with directors from each of the member institutions. The board meets annually and is chaired by a senior member of the University of Edinburgh nominated by the University Court.

The officers are guided in their duties by the executive committee, which meets about four times a year.

Professor Geoff Simm

Chair, main board

Professor of the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Edinburgh

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, chaired by Professor Lee Innes, meets about four times a year. Its main role is to guide the officers of SCRR in their duties.

Professor Lee Innes

Chair, Executive Committee

Director of Science Communication and Knowledge Exchange, Moredun Research Institute

Dr Nick Fraser

Executive Committee Member

Keeper of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Scotland
Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF

Prof Karen Halliday

Executive Committee Member

Dean for Systematic Inclusion

School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, 
Mayfield Road

Dr Alex Davey

Executive Committee Member

Deputy Director of Science (Research)


Prof Eileen Wall

Executive Committee Member

Head of Research, Scotland’s Rural College


Prof Alastair Macrae

Executive Committee Member

Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Health and Production, and Head of the Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service (DHHPS) at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh


Prof David Miller

Executive Committee Member

Knowledge Exchange Coordinator, James Hutton Institute, 
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB15 8QH;

Dr Tracy Shimmield

Executive Committee Member

Director, Lyell Centre 
BGS Edinburgh, Currie EH14 4BA

Dr Fiona Borthwick

Executive Committee Member

Director of Post Graduate Teaching; Programme Director for MSc in Global Food Security and Nutrition, Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Edinburgh


Eileen Stuart

Executive Committee Member

Deputy Director of Nature and Climate Change, NatureScot


Prof Willie Donachie

Executive Committee Member

Willie was managing director of Moredun Scientific between 2012 and 2014, having previously been deputy director of Moredun Research Institute for 14 years.