‘Young People & Evidence: Lessons from youth debate on climate change’
Monday May 11, 2020
Online event
UPDATE: please see below for event report.
This event brings together young speakers from diverse backgrounds to inspire us with discussion on how we can share and work with evidence in rural climate change responses.
In order to produce scientifically-sound and socially-just solutions, our responses to global climate change must encompass multi-disciplinary evidence from natural science, social science, arts, humanities, and traditional and local knowledge.
With so many ways of knowing the world at play, young scientists and civilians are at the forefront of synthesising and communicating these wide-ranging forms of evidence.
Further information
Please see the event page on the RSE website.
Event report
There is a report of this event on page 8 of our newsletter, SCRR News issue 95, Summer 2020 (PDF, 628 KB)
A video recording is available via the RSE’s YouTube channel: